Skoogs Bistro & Deli 

Opening hours

Closed - see you 26/5!


In our Bistro we have an á la carte menu and also pizza baked in our wood fired oven made with the best produce for the day.

The entire bistro menu is available as take-out, to be enjoyed at home! 

If you would like to make a reservation we have an early time slot at 17.00 or 17.30, later than that we only do drop-in which is the biggest part of the evening and we have a lot of tables in our dining rooms.


In our Deli you can buy our house made charcuterie, meat and vegetables from local farmers, lots of cheese, fresh fish and shellfish from Åre Atlantfisk and lots of other sustainable produce. 


Follow us on Instagram! @skoogs_bistro_deli

Våra investeringar i vår nya bistro, deli och våra nya lägenheter finansieras delvis av Europeiska jordbruksfonden. Vår nya satsning syftar till att skapa ett levande Funäsfjällen genom att kunna erbjuda stabila åretrunt-arbeten samt vara en säljkanal för lokala producenter.

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